Do you want to be slim and fit? If yes, then you should start exercising regularly. The right exercise and the right diet are the keys to a healthy physique. But somehow, most people don’t know which exercise is right for them.
Most of those who started their fitness journey made a mistake; they blindly followed anyone and started exercising. Don’t worry; we’ll help you find out the best exercises to lose belly fat at home for beginners fitness freaks.
The Myth of Spot Fat ReductionÂ
The first thing you should always keep in mind is that spot fat reduction is not possible. Our body works in proportion. Have you ever noticed that one arm or leg is thinner than the other? Definitely not, except for birth issues.
Most people blindly do crunches only and assume that their tummy is getting in shape. Crunches are good for the strength of the abs. We have covered the body with a layer of fat (energy). it sheds down also in proportion.
Why Are Most Of The Fat Stored In The Belly Area? – Best Belly Fat Exercises at HomeÂ

The belly, or tummy, is the easiest place to store fat. As per experts, fat accumulates in the belly area due to multiple factors, such as genetics and hormones.
Where many people mostly store fat around the belly area, women grab it around the hips and thighs. The hormone cortisol is the main reason behind the fat stores around the belly area.
The belly area is more sensitive to this hormone. A sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits are the main reasons for fat gain. The good this is about is that we can control it by doing regular workouts and staying in shape.
The scientific formula for weight loss is
Calories in < Calorie out = weight loss
Fat in the body is converted into carbon dioxide and water, not in muscles.
Avoid Silly Mistakes Like Others Do: Get Flat Tummy Without Any Extra Hassle
- They do the wrong exercises and do too much cardio
- They only focus on spot reduction
- They don’t focus on healthy eating or calorie restriction
- They not taking proper rest
- They do too much alcohol consumption
Belly fat is a stubborn fat that does not go away with a few days of exercise. You need to improve your lifestyle and add healthy foods to your diet to see results quickly.
If you can’t go to the gym or fitness club, you can also get effective results with bodyweight exercises at home.
Here we have discussed the exercises to lose belly fat at home for beginners female. Let’s take a look at these workouts and include them in your daily routine.
Before you start any of these workouts, remember these tips:
- You also need to maintain your calorie-restricted diet with the proper amount of nutrients and minerals to achieve healthy weight loss.
- But before doing any kind of exercise, you need to completely warm up your body.
- Warm up by stretching every body part. It helps to avoid any kind of injury during the workout.
- Wear shoes and workout clothes and start a workout. Before doing the workout, you should drink water to stay hydrated.
Now start with our main topic here: the best belly fat exercises anyone can do at home.
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat at Home for Beginners

#1. Start With A Jumping Jack: The Best Workout to Burn Calories Quickly
It burns calories like running. Jumping Jack is a quick and easy exercise for a physically fit person. Jumping Jack is a cardiovascular exercise that fully activates your whole body.

Besides burning calories, it also strengthens the muscles around joints and improves your posture. It helps to increase your stamina and flexibility. Initially, do only 25 jumping jacks and gradually increase as you gain strength.
As per fitness trainers, one minute of jumping jacks burns around 10 to 12 calories.
#2. Burpee – Best High-Intensity Workout To Burn Calories

Burpee is a high-intensity workout that burns calories quickly. Burpee is a full-body workout that engages all body parts at once and is a great cardio workout to lose weight. For beginners, the burpee is challenging but gives good results with few reps regularly.
One minute of burpees helps to burn around 15 calories.
#3. Mountain Climber – Cardiovascular Workout

It feels like you are climbing mountains. mountain climber looks easy but you need to do it fast to grab the best benefit. it strengthens your core, shoulder, back, arms, and legs.
You can burn about 100 calories in 10 minutes of an intense mountain climbing workout.
It also engages multiple groups of muscles that burn calories quickly. Regular practice as a mountain climber can help to increase stamina and also improve overall fitness levels.
#4. Squats – Strengthen Lower Body

Squats mostly target the thighs and legs, the large muscle groups of the body that help to burn more calories. Initially, it hurts a lot, but with time, you will feel the difference.
One minute of squats helps to burn around 12 calories with normal intensity.
You can make it harder by doing squats with a weighted vest or dumbbell.
#5. Pushups Make The Upper Body Stronger

Pushups are versatile. Just start with simple pushups; if pushups on the floor look difficult to you, try wall pushups or bench pushups. Do at least 20 pushups initially, and try to make them harder with time.
It engages multiple muscle groups in the body, like your chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, and back. Regular pushups help to flatten the stomach, build strength, and improve your posture.
The 10 minutes of intense push-ups can help to burn around 100 calories.
#6. Abdominal Crunches: Strengthening Your Abs

Helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and the lower back. Do at least 15 to 20 repetitions of abdominal crunches to start with.
Initially, you feel pain in your abdomen, but once you get used to it, you will feel the muscles getting stronger.
Compared to other kinds of exercise, abdominal crunches burn fewer calories, but they are a highly effective exercise that helps to tone your abs.
The 10 minutes of intense abdominal crunches can help to burn around 30 to 40 calories.
#7. Russian Twists: Target Abdomen Muscle

Russian Twists also help to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and lower back.
It is an effective exercise that helps improve your posture and burns calories.
Just take a big ball in your hand, bend your knees, and start to twist to the left and right with a straight core. Do at least 20 repetitions initially, and try to make them harder with time.
#8. Plank: Strengthening Your Core

Flatten your stomach with an effective plank workout.
It burns a few calories but is a highly effective exercise to flatten your stomach.
Regularly practicing the plank for at least 30 seconds helps to burn around 3 calories and is a great way to strengthen the abdominals and core.
#9. Jumping Rope: Burn Calories Quickly

It is also a good exercise to burn calories and get a fit body in a fun way. About 100 jump ropes help to burn around 15 calories and about 20 minutes of jumping rope help to burn around 250 calories. Skipping rope regularly helps to strengthen your legs, abdomen muscles, and core. So don’t miss jumping rope and also wear a good pair of shoes before jumping.
#10. Zumba Dance Burn Calorie Fast

If exercise looks boring to you, then add a Zumba dance workout to your daily routine. As per experts, you can burn around 500 to 1000 calories with one Zumba session that is around an hour long.
It is a fun way to lose belly fat without worrying about counting calories. Just play the music and start dancing. For effective results, you can take classes from professional Zumba trainers via online Zumba classes.
Final Thoughts
Now you have an idea about the best exercises to lose belly fat at home for beginners. Just start with the simple ones and make a perfect mixture, or try all of them and see the results. With regular exercise, your focus should also be on a calorie-restricted diet and proper sleep to see effective results quickly.Â
Great tips on belly fat reduction! These exercises are perfect for beginners who want to start working out at home.